Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Cellular Matrix Study of Organic Sulfur

The Premise:  We the people of the world have become sulfur deficient, the sulfur cycle is broken.

The Reason:  The use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, derived from coal tar and later crude oil, have impacted the sulfur cycle to man, the plants, and the soil.

The Study:  Voluntary introduction of organic sulfur into ones diet twice a day and we listen and look at the changes effected by oxygen within the biology of man and dogs.

Method:  Photographic comparison of the cellular matrix of the human face and the nerves which activate the matrix.  The neurology is eloquent in describing the biology of regeneration.

This blog is intended to discuss the biology as demonstrated to date and whether certain groups could be included though they are lost in their own mind.

The study adheres to an oath not forgotten and upon which our health can be realized:  First do no Harm. 

Patrick McGean
Cellular Matrix Study
Body Human Project est. 1999

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